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OffshoreAlert has assembled a panel of the most important people in the history of whistleblowing to take you inside the UBS and HSBC leaks and discuss material issues, including the treatment of whistleblowers by law enforcement and tax collection agencies, how the system can be improved, the extent of global tax evasion and the involvement of the world’s major banks.

Presented by:
Director, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (Washington, D.C.)

Dean Zerbe
Partner, Zerbe, Fingeret, Frank & Jadav (Washington, D.C.)

Bradley Birkenfeld
UBS Whistleblower (USA)

Herve Falciani
HSBC Whistleblower (France)

Recorded on May 5, 2015 during The OffshoreAlert Conference in Miami at The Ritz Carlton, South Beach Hotel.

OffshoreAlert is an independent news website founded in 1997 by investigative reporter David Marchant and offers news, documents & intelligence about businesses and individuals operating in Offshore Financial Centers, with an emphasis on fraud investigations. OffshoreAlert also holds conferences in North America and Europe tailored for the offshore world. OffshoreAlert is generally considered to be a leading authority on OFCs and serious financial.

More information about The OffshoreAlert Conference can be found at